The following information is courtesy of the VOTE organization at

In Louisiana, if you are not currently serving time in prison, including if you are currently on probation or parole, you can exercise your right to vote no matter what your prior conviction is!​ This is not widely known, so please help us to spread the news that FORMERLY INCARCERATED PEOPLE CAN VOTE!

Since March 1, 2019 any Louisianan who:

1. is off probation or parole; OR
2. has been on parole for 5 or more years; OR
3. is currently on probation
can now vote.

In order to register, you will need:
-A voter eligibility form (obtained from your local probation and parole office--see map below!) 
-A completed voter registration form (obtained from your local registrar's office--see map below!)
(note: you can call and ask them to mail this to you)
-a valid identification card (ID)